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- Awarded California Endowment “Healthy Communities” Grant for 2013 Pilot High School. Summer Internship Program.
Honored by Mayor of San Francisco, Board of Supervisors, and Commission on the Status.
Women for “Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science.
Technology, Science, and Engineering” during Women’s History Month.
Received congratulatory letter from California State Senator Mark Leno for recognition as one of eight Bay Area women “ Leading the Way for our Young People” by Sun-Reporter.
Keynote Speaker for Skyline College President’s Council SUCCESS Summit on September 21,2013.
- NexGeneGirls Founder, Marlena Jackson honored by San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women and Girls/Women’s History Month.
- NexGeneGirls Founder, Marlena Jackson honored by San Francisco Supervisor Malia Cohen.
- Skyline College Success Summitt-Keynote Speaker.
- NexGeneGirls High School Intern featured on local KGO channel 7 August 1,2013.
- NexGenegirls Founder, Marlena Jackson featured in Bay Bio President’s Desk Newletter.
- NexGeneGirls featured Fox News segment aired July 2013 on Kelly Wright’s “Beyond the Dream” series
- NexGeneGirls featured in Willie Mays Boys and Girls Club newsletter.
- Willie Mays Boys and Girls Club (PHOTO).
- NexGeneGirls Featured in Film that Inspires Youth to Find Passion In STEM Education.
- NexgeneGirls featuring USF SOE Faculty Xornam Apedoe.
- NexGeneGirls Founder, Marlena Jackson featured on Career Girls
- NexGeneGirls founder, Marlena Jackson, featured in California Life Sciences Association Newsletter